Wednesday, 26 June 2019

The Master Strategist continues

"We need to continue police action and some military action against the rebels and terrorists and criminals."

He stipulates, "But we should try to stop the genocide against rebel and terrorist and rapist people who have the plagues of illness causing violence."  He stipulates.

"These people are believers with a critical illness, which is causing them to be insane and violent" he stipulates, "or at least, a lot of them might be.!" 

He notes, "They seem like infidels, but they really are just in need of desperate therapy and education and culture help."

He cries and says. "Okay fine we wil jail and kill some of them, but you must know this is not the best idea in general, you should love them and transfer them to God's healing division, mostly!"  He angrily points out that "we know how to take a violent person and make them non violent, 99% of the time it can work" he says.

"If there's too much money involved, it becomes a geniunely criminal enterprise, oft times it starts as mental illness and then become a cruel, violent, criminal empire machine!" 

"We need to shut down violent crime," he says "and we need everyone who is capable of helping to o their part if it comes to that."  He stipulates, "They are trying to get by and keep their religion or region of culture free, most of them, 98% of them are doing that, he says!" 

The Chibok Girls incident shows these guys might be really insane Muslim believers, some of them, he says, kidnapping the infidel's girls and bringing them into the geniune world of faith of the believers, at least, in their own minds!"  He angrily thrusts his fist on the table "they aren't reall bad people!" he states.

"They need to be neutralized" he says, "kidnapped and given re-education and therapy in a secure facility, in a place that isn't cruel."  He notes "some of them have raped and murdered, 98% of thhose people brought to justice"  "making peace is a better strategy than just killing mentaly ill patriots and religious devotess!" he states, "God might very wel will my programme, the guardian angel tells me about my studies, and brought me here to say this to the gov.".

The Geniune Overlord Verificators, He says, "The GOV."

"some of earth has rebelled against heavne" he says, "and are suffering the consequences" .  "end the rebellion of the world kindly, be very nice like a certain story of Jesus Christ hte Lord Sublime, or Mohammad the one as close to Allah as his heart!  They fabricate cruelty about religion, cruel stories about Mohammad and Jesus, put a stop to it.  Get a geniune history book on JEsus and Mohammad from the Gaurdian Angels, and make peace between Christians and Muslims and wagea Jihad Crusade to help make life pleasant and safe for all the children and their loved ones, and stop this madness right now!" HE ORDERS!  HE SAYS "MY gaurdian Angel has appointed me a supreme overlord of the entire planet, take my saying to your leaders and parents and old wise friends, and but a cot on the government and make them adopt this policy, if you want to obey the guardians of God's people!" 

Then he laughs and says "I don't know" "but I have learning, and this is what "top learning" is teaching me"  People are "terrified' of a "Murderous psychopath" or "genocidal terrorist maniac." .

He points out that we can get out of this crisis easily, if we obey the guardian angels and "pay attention" to what he as an 'expert " of the "guardian" has "obeyed' and "researched" for the "answer to the mental health crisis." .

"I will not surrender or give up on my compassion, I don't want to torture and kill people, I want to put them somewhere safe and love them properly into good health and culture and behavior!"  "stop the bloodshed" he orders, "Make peace" perhaps a man with a gun, or bomb, trying to kill people, you can arrest and put in prison, or shoot if he realy is that kind of a threat, "but stop your hopeless,desparing hatred of the other races cultures and religions, tribes and places."  "Save the traditional cultures by chooseing the true legends like Islam can be saved by united it with Angels nad Jesus , and clarifying that God does not will sharia law for the believers, but forgivenes!" 

He then states "I am a Mustakim Mome, a good person, and I am with my learning and expertise telling you this is the atlas for permanent victory I am creating, and you are invitited to God and the Angells to dweel in peace and security, knowledge and wisdom, and to know what must be done!"

"help the people to not be fools" he says "connect with the one and noly God and the guardians, and rectify religion and culture." There are "gods" he says, "childrne o God" and he says" we were supposed to be gods!" but he says "a few people are blind, and greed pushes peope to lie and commit heresy, and false culture and science and history and religion and criminality and medicien are created!" . 

If "the plague of fear hate and violence" combines, he states, "the area can be afflicted with brutal crimes and war and genocide".  He cries, and states that there might be a madman with a great deal of money who wants to kill the good people.  He says, tht might be why 9-11 happened.

"There's a plagues crisis, of lust and greed, cruelty an even monstrosity" he stipulates. "we have proven it" 

"mania, depression, schizophrenia" he siad" are not threat on their own" if "treateed properly by our current medical science" but he said " the violence and lust and greed plagues are very dangerous, could kill billions of people eventually" he states.

"the people with teh genocide disorder' he states "have plotted to kill hundreds of millions or billions of people" he states, and "they are murdering a tiny few of them left and right a select few, and accoring the the guardian angels, they have actualy taken over the big countries, and tried to kill almsot 1 billion people recently!" .

"A major war is in progress" he said, an the "USA" is ruled by the kind of man who "murders people left and right' and 'literally gave the order to kill 1 billion people with nuclear bombs" and "raped 100 women." and he has "trillions of dollars at his disposal!" states the Angel's appointed Dictator of Canada.

"the blind have no clue, those not close to their guardian angels" have "no clue" about "what to do" other than "keep their head down and get food and housing and health care and education" for their childrem" .  "except that most are trying to avoid being oppressed" .  These are "serial rapists" and "Terrorists ' he said "who "wanted to comit the worst crimes ever imaginable.".

"thta is the plague ou have" he says, and "Angels say the plague is because Earth tried to kill all of God's children who love him" he angrily stated" an that hte Angels have promised "to destroy the Earht." .

"everyone who gets in our way will suffer" says the Prophet , who isthe Master Strategist, hwo is "the general in charge of Canada and United States at least in part!"  And he states, "the gaurdian angels control slices of heaven on Earth everywhere , including the war torn countries" .  "we can win" he states" "we can get hte insane terrorist leaders billionarie biker gang terrorist islamci state terrorist rebel group terrorists to stop their madness and put them in a confined place and seizure of their wealth fro the people who need ti is largely alreay done."

Strategist theorizes on the road to Victory against Rebel terrorism using his 'Theology' and "Divine Insight.."

The theorist has some insight he doesn't ever hear on TV or in Church.

The road to Victory is paved with Jesus's blood and gold, he says.

"God gave himself for us, the science we have confirms that Jesus is God, and that Mohammad was a prophet send to Arab hypocrites.".

The Theorist notes the Quran seems to come from God, but has falsehood in it, and specified that the "arabs" were the "worst of hypocrites.".

"they make everything the believers do illegal and sentenced to death, and actually jail and torture dissidents and try to nail honest young people and older people."

This latest line is a theory of the theorest, he has noted the harshness of "Sharia law" and the "prison system in the Muslim world.".

He specifies "he isn't sure if they really go after good people.". 

He thinks it is "frightening" and "Stultifying" that it "holds them back" that many of them "can't function" and that this "hypocrite culture" is terrifying and potentially "quite destructive " according to "expert opinion.".

They are setting each other up, he claims, makign each other think that they are crazy guys out to kill and torture each other.  It frightens the childrne so much, he claims, that they are unable to become fully functional adults.

This dysfunctional adults, he points out, are at risk of war and terrorism, major crime, and can carry it out sometimes, if the authority over there is unable to control the sitautaion, and there is a plague of a violent illness.

Some illnesses cause violence, he continues, and if a violent plague strikes the muslim world it is perhaps quite vulnerable to war and terrorism temptations.

The culture is weaker than Canadian culture, he stipulates, in that it frightens people and encourages them to be more violent towards each other and other people, he notes this is professional opinion of psychiatrists and child and youth development specialists who have spend time with Canadians and Middle Easterners and their culture.  He stipulates that we aren't 100% sure, but we suspect Arab ISlamic culture is a factor holding back development in those societies.

What he proposes, is a new or return both old and new righteous Islamic teachings that harmonize with God and the Archangels nad Angels.

Also he feels medical intervention is necessary, to diagnose and treat psychotic religious delusions like that we should kill young people for having sex, or mass murder the people because they "don't believe in God, or are traitors in other words," says the expert.

Thinking 99% of people are infidels and everoyne is commiting treason and other capital crimes regularly, can drive someone insane to the point they set off a bomb, take up a machine gun and shoot up a market place, he points out.

So we need "Chrisitan Islam" he points out, to team up with "progressive islam" and "liberate the oopressed people" form their "child abuse and youth abuse cultures."...

"They are abusing the children and youth with terroristic false opinion abut God" he stipulates, "teaching them God is an untrustworthy child rapist who wants to torture and kill them forever."

Such teaching, he points out, can cause "War against God and the Believers" and that is noted to "cause mental illness" and "pain and suffering.".. by medical reasearch into it, he stipulates he personally researched and conducted experiments into that in Canada.

"Middle eastern people are being accidetnally diseased and crippled by psychotic religious nad cultural and political leaders" he stipulates, who are "forbidding the childrne from being smart and believing in God and the Angels" and "Terrorizing them with threats of death and torture, to continue on a satanic rebellion of heresy".  Satanic rebellion of heresy, he poitns out, is thought by several experts in the field to be a cornerstone of Demonic plots to cause humans to be insane and mentally retarded and destroy each other."  "such things" the expert theorist poitns out, "caused insanity in Europe in the historical times, caused retardation."  Telling the childrne tehy have no hope, and that God is pure evil and going to destroy them, it makes them get sick and die, I suspects strongly" says the expert, and points to "situations in africa and india where this is a common forced belief, forced by priests, an media,' and that those areas "are afflicated with severe mental retardation."

Child development and youth cultivation science, he poitns out, prove that "cursing childrne with evil beleifs, which oppress and cause them to be hopeless and sad, is known to cause severe depression and even psychosis which can lead to a kind of mental retardation, but it can be treated, he points out, re-education and mental health and police justice can rectify the situation greatly."

"Children are being taught they have to go to hell for not being easy targets, for tellign one fib, and it is drivin them insane, making them murderers, terrorists, they are being told the only way they can avoid hell is to become a terrorist genocidal terrorist and kill many many peopel and die a martyr." He stipulates.  "These psychotic beliefs might be a cause of the terrorism crisis and war crisis that affliecte Europe in the 20th century, and Africa and Middle East in the current time."

A response to terrorism, and genocide, he stipulates, shuodl be proper education and mental health and police work and culture work, to verify the truth that God is loving and kind and angels are helping us, always, and that God only wants to save children and youth and older people from disease and death an failure, and that is why we have Bible and Quran, Guardian Angels who talk to us, et cetera.

"The war on terrorism cannot be won, " continues the exective expert, top theorist, "until the educational, health, cultural, and religious and spiritual causes of terrorism and murder and hatred and genocide are dealth with directly, by the most senior authorities in the world and by all responsible parents and community leaders."

So the road to Victory is pointed to by the Expert, and he says "Make humane islam and christianity, Judaims nad Hindusm, African REligions, FRist Nations relgions, make them humane so that deveopment can occur .  Create spiritual culture, help people get in touch with the  spirtual world, help them overcome fear and hate." "Educate tem to think reasonably and be merciful, just and kind as they can manage."  He commands it, saying that he is raising his family and lobbying his community to adopt these measures, and appealing to authorities to take up the cross and bear the sufferings of humanity and work to fix broken culture, education and religion, and to treat violent illnesses, and he orders the leaders to look into his research an appoint a task force in every violence striken country , to make peace in other words, or to suffer consequences."

He then laughs and says "I don't know entirely what I just did, maybe I helped save the world, maybe though things are going ot get worse, maybe the insane terrorists will read about this and make their soceities continue to do this, or get worse, really pure evil in otherwords.


So he tells you, "Time is of the essenece" and "This must be handled carefully" to "manage the knowlege" and "organize government and temple and community organization actions on this subject!"

Theory "God exists and the believers can see." the "prove hte angels are good" programme.

Yeah the believers see, it's cool.

I want to make "Blind people's culture" where we show them what the believers can see.

Lol the last post I wrote was about a science investigation into whether the believers saw anything that indicates God exists.

We are doing this scientific investigation.

We intend to justify the claims that "The Angels are telling me there is a serious criminal over there.".

This is a potentially deadly mission.

Someone could take great offense to my work.

Proving God exists and Angels exist and talk to us, help us combat crime?  It's great.

Yeah Lord, Canadian are safe, they will do it.

Then we'll share it with USA Europe and Asia and Africa and Americas and Australiasia.


Hooray Angels are going to save us!  Lol we still don't know that 100% , we think we are safe according to government and media reports and our battle science investigation from the war.

You're safe perhaps if you are rescuing all the kids for Jesus.

Hurting an adult hurts kids because their family and friends have to help the injured adult, it takes away from kids, so that's illegal soldier.

We should nevertheless have a self defense training programme, for every adult doing anything that might deeply offend a mentally ill or insane person, or a reasonable person.

That pedophile spy was here again, it was rough.

He was in Victoria, plotting to rescue the kids again.

Give him a break.

There's one good pedophile he is the rescue sacrifice, going into the brothels and corrupt households to save the victims.

That's the result of not trusting God and the Angels, claims our religious leader.

If we all knew God and the Angels, claims the priest , no one would be a victim of crime almost ever on the Earth.

Earht would join heaven.

That is what this man claming to be a prophet is suggesting, but he claims "I have been mentally ill before' and "I don't know it for a fact 100%".  "We have to investigate, do science and police work," he claims "and prove that God and the Angels really always fight crime.".

So it's "potent" and it can "bring some potent risks.".

"You will get tested" says the prophet.

 Hmm, so here we go, do we pursue this science

The coincidences of prayer and events note 1A

Blow up the White House, the One on Pennsylvania avenue, with a cruise missile lauched from a 200 million dollar yaght.

Lol  at least figure out how to do it, the cops need to know, and then do some training.

Well that's great.

Another day being a attempted saint, today writing down a list of the kind of coincidences I've seen in many things going on.

There's a plague that makes people do crazy things!  Lol heal the sick.

coincidences recalled by subject A.


1.  Snow days for missed school would occur when he prayed for snow to fall.

2.  Half a year of school was missed due to illness when he asked to take a lot of time off school.

3.  He broke out of handcuffs a few times when he asked for signs that he could escape jail if he was innocent, could he break out of handcuffs.

Teenage years

Funny things would happen when he asked for them too, oftne he claims.

1 he asked for a dog to steal something and a dog came and stole his friend's hat off the sled on a winter night.

2. He asked for his friends to get some magic mushrooms and they did.

3.  He prayed to find weed, and he found weed with his friend.

4.  He prayed to have female friends, and he'd have a friendship with a girl for while everytime he did that.

5. He prayed to do well in school at some point for  year, and he did really well in school that year.

Adult life

Wild things happened to him an adult

1. He prayed to meet rich powerful people and he met the daughter perhaps of the president of Columbia, was he praying to meet someone from Latin America ?  He says maybe.

2. He prayed to make friends with people from Europe and he made friends with people from France and Germany and Belgium, and he partied with them for a long time over hte coures of 1 year.

3. He prayed to find cool african people and buy weed off them and he met some friends and they were from african countries and had great weed.  Lol he chilled with them over the summer.

4. He prayed to make friends with Iran and do a miracle for them and show them there were believers in the West.  He meets these Iranians and prays with them for something dramatic to happen and he calls his brother and leaves a loud message for him, and thunderstrikes as he leaves the dramatic message, just after he says it.  His Iranian friend calls him Moses.

5. He asked to take some time off stuies but to get a PHD eventually.  He becomes sick and has to leave his studies, rests and plays an learns on his own, works at a family company and does this over the years.

6. He prays to have sex and do some drugs, with the really cool Jamaicans Rasta Christians, He meets them.  How he finds them?  He prays to God for days asking God to bless him and help him be a good person, and to forgive the fact he wants to get laid and do drugs.  God might have sent him an Angel in ghost form  and then he remembers going on missions helping women and meeting these Cool Christian Jamaicans and smoking pot with them and then he had a sexy summer with Indians and Jamaicans and Indegenous people and Irish - he finds the black irish.  He gets what he wants that summer, has a dream time.  He asks God for a sign that Thor is a Holy Name and that Gays must not have unprotected promiscuous sex and that it can cause AIDS, and he asks for the sign of pitching a lightning bolt at a target, you know at or near that forest over there, and he goes a little later when it is cloudy and he feels electrified and points at the trees saying "Thor" and a lightning bolt comes falling down on the trees.

5.  He was out in the rain and he prayed for the rain to go away and it did, several times.  It stopped raining for him to go to the store consistently for years.

6. He asked for it to stop raining during the day during the rainy season, and only rain at night, and it almost totally stopped raining during the day.

7. He asked to meet women and get hugs and kisses and he got it that day.  He has prayed to God about "if the battle between the sexes could ever end, and could his book end the battle between the sexes" and "he asked for the battle bewteen the sexes to end" and he met these women and they hugged him or hugged and kissed him.

8. He had a party time when he asked for party time lasting 5 years, then he prayed a lot ot stop partying and he pretty much stopped partying.

9. His brother was sick and asked to move to better neighborhood but they were not able to do it.  Then he asked if they could move and they had to move to a new place.

10.  He asked for thunderstorms in a place which never has them almost, and each time he asked that night or the next day there was a thunderstorm, except one time in which someone asked for the storms not to come, he claims.

11.  He asked to meet Angels as spiritual beings, and these white ghosts and light creatures came into his life these glowing white ghosts implying they were angels appeared, and he had light creatures crome into his life as well, and he says he has been asking them to do things and help him and that maybe they have, he sees coincidences all the time with these spiritual beings apparently maybe doing what he asks them to.

12.  He asks for angels to appear as ufos and go around being nice and scaring the bad guys, and there's this whole ufo phenonema stuff that goes down, as he prays for it to happen it happens, people seeing them , photographing them, being frightened by them, being comforted by them, as he requests. He asks to see a fleet of UFOS he seesa FLeet, he asks to see big ships in the sky, he sees big ships in the sky.

13.  He asks to help heal a blind person with prayer, and he prays for them and they see again the next day.

The adult is quite sure these observations are "Evidence" that "Some kind of God may exist." Or he says, humbly "mwrit exist" in that "possibility that it does." .

That's what "mrwit" means, he says, "it's like could or might but it is possibility unknown, not might or could but mwrit, as in "I don't know the possibility it exists."".

So he is pursuing his faith, doing science, we are publishing the science.  He is us, and we are him.