Wednesday, 26 June 2019

Theory "God exists and the believers can see." the "prove hte angels are good" programme.

Yeah the believers see, it's cool.

I want to make "Blind people's culture" where we show them what the believers can see.

Lol the last post I wrote was about a science investigation into whether the believers saw anything that indicates God exists.

We are doing this scientific investigation.

We intend to justify the claims that "The Angels are telling me there is a serious criminal over there.".

This is a potentially deadly mission.

Someone could take great offense to my work.

Proving God exists and Angels exist and talk to us, help us combat crime?  It's great.

Yeah Lord, Canadian are safe, they will do it.

Then we'll share it with USA Europe and Asia and Africa and Americas and Australiasia.


Hooray Angels are going to save us!  Lol we still don't know that 100% , we think we are safe according to government and media reports and our battle science investigation from the war.

You're safe perhaps if you are rescuing all the kids for Jesus.

Hurting an adult hurts kids because their family and friends have to help the injured adult, it takes away from kids, so that's illegal soldier.

We should nevertheless have a self defense training programme, for every adult doing anything that might deeply offend a mentally ill or insane person, or a reasonable person.

That pedophile spy was here again, it was rough.

He was in Victoria, plotting to rescue the kids again.

Give him a break.

There's one good pedophile he is the rescue sacrifice, going into the brothels and corrupt households to save the victims.

That's the result of not trusting God and the Angels, claims our religious leader.

If we all knew God and the Angels, claims the priest , no one would be a victim of crime almost ever on the Earth.

Earht would join heaven.

That is what this man claming to be a prophet is suggesting, but he claims "I have been mentally ill before' and "I don't know it for a fact 100%".  "We have to investigate, do science and police work," he claims "and prove that God and the Angels really always fight crime.".

So it's "potent" and it can "bring some potent risks.".

"You will get tested" says the prophet.

 Hmm, so here we go, do we pursue this science

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