The theorist has some insight he doesn't ever hear on TV or in Church.
The road to Victory is paved with Jesus's blood and gold, he says.
"God gave himself for us, the science we have confirms that Jesus is God, and that Mohammad was a prophet send to Arab hypocrites.".
The Theorist notes the Quran seems to come from God, but has falsehood in it, and specified that the "arabs" were the "worst of hypocrites.".
"they make everything the believers do illegal and sentenced to death, and actually jail and torture dissidents and try to nail honest young people and older people."
This latest line is a theory of the theorest, he has noted the harshness of "Sharia law" and the "prison system in the Muslim world.".
He specifies "he isn't sure if they really go after good people.".
He thinks it is "frightening" and "Stultifying" that it "holds them back" that many of them "can't function" and that this "hypocrite culture" is terrifying and potentially "quite destructive " according to "expert opinion.".
They are setting each other up, he claims, makign each other think that they are crazy guys out to kill and torture each other. It frightens the childrne so much, he claims, that they are unable to become fully functional adults.
This dysfunctional adults, he points out, are at risk of war and terrorism, major crime, and can carry it out sometimes, if the authority over there is unable to control the sitautaion, and there is a plague of a violent illness.
Some illnesses cause violence, he continues, and if a violent plague strikes the muslim world it is perhaps quite vulnerable to war and terrorism temptations.
The culture is weaker than Canadian culture, he stipulates, in that it frightens people and encourages them to be more violent towards each other and other people, he notes this is professional opinion of psychiatrists and child and youth development specialists who have spend time with Canadians and Middle Easterners and their culture. He stipulates that we aren't 100% sure, but we suspect Arab ISlamic culture is a factor holding back development in those societies.
What he proposes, is a new or return both old and new righteous Islamic teachings that harmonize with God and the Archangels nad Angels.
Also he feels medical intervention is necessary, to diagnose and treat psychotic religious delusions like that we should kill young people for having sex, or mass murder the people because they "don't believe in God, or are traitors in other words," says the expert.
Thinking 99% of people are infidels and everoyne is commiting treason and other capital crimes regularly, can drive someone insane to the point they set off a bomb, take up a machine gun and shoot up a market place, he points out.
So we need "Chrisitan Islam" he points out, to team up with "progressive islam" and "liberate the oopressed people" form their "child abuse and youth abuse cultures."...
"They are abusing the children and youth with terroristic false opinion abut God" he stipulates, "teaching them God is an untrustworthy child rapist who wants to torture and kill them forever."
Such teaching, he points out, can cause "War against God and the Believers" and that is noted to "cause mental illness" and "pain and suffering.".. by medical reasearch into it, he stipulates he personally researched and conducted experiments into that in Canada.
"Middle eastern people are being accidetnally diseased and crippled by psychotic religious nad cultural and political leaders" he stipulates, who are "forbidding the childrne from being smart and believing in God and the Angels" and "Terrorizing them with threats of death and torture, to continue on a satanic rebellion of heresy". Satanic rebellion of heresy, he poitns out, is thought by several experts in the field to be a cornerstone of Demonic plots to cause humans to be insane and mentally retarded and destroy each other." "such things" the expert theorist poitns out, "caused insanity in Europe in the historical times, caused retardation." Telling the childrne tehy have no hope, and that God is pure evil and going to destroy them, it makes them get sick and die, I suspects strongly" says the expert, and points to "situations in africa and india where this is a common forced belief, forced by priests, an media,' and that those areas "are afflicated with severe mental retardation."
Child development and youth cultivation science, he poitns out, prove that "cursing childrne with evil beleifs, which oppress and cause them to be hopeless and sad, is known to cause severe depression and even psychosis which can lead to a kind of mental retardation, but it can be treated, he points out, re-education and mental health and police justice can rectify the situation greatly."
"Children are being taught they have to go to hell for not being easy targets, for tellign one fib, and it is drivin them insane, making them murderers, terrorists, they are being told the only way they can avoid hell is to become a terrorist genocidal terrorist and kill many many peopel and die a martyr." He stipulates. "These psychotic beliefs might be a cause of the terrorism crisis and war crisis that affliecte Europe in the 20th century, and Africa and Middle East in the current time."
A response to terrorism, and genocide, he stipulates, shuodl be proper education and mental health and police work and culture work, to verify the truth that God is loving and kind and angels are helping us, always, and that God only wants to save children and youth and older people from disease and death an failure, and that is why we have Bible and Quran, Guardian Angels who talk to us, et cetera.
"The war on terrorism cannot be won, " continues the exective expert, top theorist, "until the educational, health, cultural, and religious and spiritual causes of terrorism and murder and hatred and genocide are dealth with directly, by the most senior authorities in the world and by all responsible parents and community leaders."
So the road to Victory is pointed to by the Expert, and he says "Make humane islam and christianity, Judaims nad Hindusm, African REligions, FRist Nations relgions, make them humane so that deveopment can occur . Create spiritual culture, help people get in touch with the spirtual world, help them overcome fear and hate." "Educate tem to think reasonably and be merciful, just and kind as they can manage." He commands it, saying that he is raising his family and lobbying his community to adopt these measures, and appealing to authorities to take up the cross and bear the sufferings of humanity and work to fix broken culture, education and religion, and to treat violent illnesses, and he orders the leaders to look into his research an appoint a task force in every violence striken country , to make peace in other words, or to suffer consequences."
He then laughs and says "I don't know entirely what I just did, maybe I helped save the world, maybe though things are going ot get worse, maybe the insane terrorists will read about this and make their soceities continue to do this, or get worse, really pure evil in otherwords.
So he tells you, "Time is of the essenece" and "This must be handled carefully" to "manage the knowlege" and "organize government and temple and community organization actions on this subject!"
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